help > ERROR in the STEP Importing ROI data: Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 3.
Mar 27, 2024  02:03 PM | Giulia Salamanca - Department of Veterinary Medicine University of Bologna
ERROR in the STEP Importing ROI data: Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 3.

Hello everyone, I'm new in CONN and just trying to perform some ROI to ROI and Seed to voxel analysis, it's the forth time that I try to process files and this error occurs. Is there anyone that may kindly help me? I don't know how to continue :( Thanks in advance!

Step 5/7: Importing ROI data
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 3.

Error in spm_write_vol (line 22)
dt = V.dim(4); if dt>256, dt = dt/256; end;

Error in conn_process (line 820)

Error in conn_process (line 55)
 case 'setup', conn_disp(['CONN: RUNNING SETUP STEP']); conn_process([0:4,4.5,5]);

Error in conn (line 6392)
 conn_process(processname); ispending=false;

Error in conn_menumanager (line 124)
SPM12 + DAiSS DEM FieldMap MEEGtools
Matlab v.2023b
project: CONN22.a
storage: 370.9Gb available
spm @ C:\Users\Utente\Downloads\spm12\spm12
Warning: spm_create_vol.m overloaded by version in folder C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\marsbar-0.45\spm99. If experiencing unexpected errors please try deleting the folder C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\marsbar-0.45\spm99 from the Matlab path (see 'pathtool')
Warning: spm_write_plane.m overloaded by version in folder C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\marsbar-0.45\spm99. If experiencing unexpected errors please try deleting the folder C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\marsbar-0.45\spm99 from the Matlab path (see 'pathtool')
Warning: spm_write_vol.m overloaded by version in folder C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\marsbar-0.45\spm99. If experiencing unexpected errors please try deleting the folder C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\marsbar-0.45\spm99 from the Matlab path (see 'pathtool')
conn @ C:\Users\Utente\Downloads\conn22a\conn