help > changing colormap max/min in results explorer
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Feb 9, 2017  12:02 AM | Annika Linke - San Diego State University
changing colormap max/min in results explorer

in order to illustrate main effects in two groups (in addition to the contrast from the comparison between groups), I would like to make the colormap the same in the Results Explorer (ROI-ROI analysis) for both groups. Am I right that this is currently not possible from within the GUI? It seems to automatically be set to the min/max t-values for each group's main effects.

I had a look at the conn_mesh_display.m script, and I think I have found where I might be able to change it (the Vrange settings, line 90 for a two-sided test) but before I mess with it, I would like to know if there is another way to do this that does not require changing the code in the display script? 

Thank you so much for this amazing toolbox! 
Feb 9, 2017  07:02 PM | Annika Linke - San Diego State University
RE: changing colormap max/min in results explorer
Upon further investigation, I think the changes would have to be made to conn_displayroi.m 

I can't really believe there is not an easier way to set the min/max of the colormap though. Am I missing something?
Apr 8, 2017  04:04 PM | Vahab Youssofzadeh - Ulster University
RE: changing colormap max/min in results explorer
Hi Annika,

You are right, there is no easy way to change the colormap (not sure!). So, in conn_displayroi if you replace one of cmap=jet(256); with below script (a customized colormap) and, inactive the rest, and set the 'cmap' variable as global (similar to CONN_gui) you would be able the solve the issue (see the attached fig).

r = [1 0 0]; %# start
w = [1 1 1]; %# middle
b = [0 0 1]; %# end

%# colormap of size 64-by-3, ranging from red -> white -> blue
k = 256/2;
c1 = zeros(k,3); c2 = zeros(k,3);
for i=1:3
c1(:,i) = linspace(b(i), w(i), k);
c2(:,i) = linspace(w(i), r(i), k);
cmap = [c1;c2];
Attachment: fig1.png