help > error in conn when selecting all ROIs
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Apr 19, 2017  11:04 AM | Lavinia Carmen Uscatescu
error in conn when selecting all ROIs
Dear all,

When performing the 1st level analysis in conn, I wish to select all atlas areas as potential ROIs for my ROI-to-ROI analysis; this is simply for exploratory purposes. However, when I attempted to do this, I got the following error:


Error using set
Color value contains NaN, or element out of range 0.0 <= value <= 1.0
Error in conn_timedwaitbar (line 60)
set(findobj(b,'tag','patch'),'facecolor',(1-a)*[.2 .2 .8]+a*[.8 .8 .2]); %(1-a)*[5/6,2/6,1.5/6]+a*[1.5/6,5/6,2/6]);
Error in conn_process>conn_waitbar (line 4679)
else h=conn_timedwaitbar(varargin{:}); end
Error in conn_process (line 3682)
conn_waitbar(n/N,h,sprintf('Subject %d Condition %d',nsub,ncondition));
Error in conn_process (line 41)
case 'analyses_gui_seedandroi',disp(['CONN: RUNNING ANALYSIS STEP (ROI-to-ROI or seed-to-voxel analyses)']); conn_process([10,11,15],CONN_x.Analysis);
Error in conn (line 5776)
else conn_process('analyses_gui_seedandroi',CONN_x.Analysis); ispending=false;
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
CONN v.17.b
SPM12 + ArtRepair DEM Diffusion FieldMap LI MEEGtools TFCE Variability Volumes aal bspmview cat12 marsbar mfp rwls tsdiffana
Matlab v.2013a
storage: 1085.4Gb available
Warning: Contents.m overloaded by version in folder /opt/software/spm/spm12_toolboxes/cat12
Warning: spm_check_version.m overloaded by version in folder /opt/software/spm/spm8/toolbox/PPPI

Any help would be appreciated!