help > first-level fMRI error
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Jul 11, 2017  02:07 PM | mohamed bahri
first-level fMRI error
Dear CONN experts,

I am currently running a seed-to region study and i get the following error message during the first-level analysis.

It seems that I should put the scrubbing as a confound in the denoising step. Could anyone confirm that the error could come from there ?

Any suggestions will be welcome.

Many thanks in advance,

Best regards,



Error using ==> conn_process at 3754
Non-existing target ROI first-level data for scrubbing_Dim15 subject 2. Please repeat first-level analyses
Error in ==> conn_process at 42
case 'analyses_gui_seedandroi',disp(['CONN: RUNNING ANALYSIS STEP (ROI-to-ROI or seed-to-voxel analyses)']); conn_process([10,11,15],varargin{:});
Error in ==> conn at 6535
else conn_process('analyses_gui_seedandroi',CONN_x.Analysis); ispending=false;
Error in ==> conn_menumanager at 120
CONN v.17.e
SPM12 + DEM Diffusion FieldMap MEEGtools Masking TFCE
Matlab v.2011a
storage: 152.2Gb available
spm @ C:\CRCcodes\SPM12
conn @ C:\mycodes\conn