help > Basic yet tricky question
Sep 18, 2014  01:09 PM | Macià Buades-Rotger
Basic yet tricky question
Dear all,

First of all, congrats on the toolbox, it works really well. I am currently performing seed-to-voxel connectivity analysis comparing between conditions. My connectivity measure is the bivariate correlation coefficient. So my question is: do 2nd level positive/negative connectivity values reflect positive/negative correlation values? That is, does the direction of connectivity values between conditions determine the sign of the correlation coefficient (+ vs -), or does it only determine the magnitude (high |r| in one condition vs high |r| in the other)?

Let's say my conditions are A and B. I run a [1 -1] contrast, I check the seed-to-voxel results explorer, select the "positive contrast" and find a "red" area. Then I select "negative contrast" and find a "blue" area. 
Does the red area show a significantly higher correlation with my seed, or does it show a significantly higher and positive correlation with my seed? Conversely, is the blue area highly and negatively correlated with the seed in this contrast, or is it just higher in the opposite contrast? Or is it all just me overthinking?

I've checked other threads on interpretational issues and looked up papers in which a directional relationship is assumed, but still I can't fully get my head around this.

A short clarification would be greatly appreciated.

All the best,

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Basic yet tricky question
Macià Buades-Rotger Sep 18, 2014
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Sep 22, 2014
Macià Buades-Rotger Sep 22, 2014