help > RE: Group x Time x Conditions?
Oct 23, 2014  02:10 AM | Jeff Browndyke
RE: Group x Time x Conditions?

Also, in the situation of having baseline and followup conditions specified in Setup.Conditions (e.g., baseline_0back, baseline_1back, baseline_2back, instruction_baseline, followup_0back, followup_1back, followup_2back, instruction_followup), when I attempt to run the processing by clicking "Done," I keep on receiving an error message that data is not specified for some subjects.  


ERROR: Subject 1 does not have any scan associated with condition followup_0back
ERROR: Subject 1 does not have any scan associated with condition followup_1back
ERROR: Subject 1 does not have any scan associated with condition followup_2back

For this preliminary CONN attempt, I have 6 subjects per patient and control group, each scanned twice.  The 24 total scans/subjects are set up sequentially, such that subject1-6 = control baseline, subject 7-12 = control followup, subject 13-18 = patient baseline, and subject 19-24 = patient followup.  So, in this scenario, I would not have followup condition types for subjects1-6 or subjects 13-18.  Likewise, I would not have baseline condition types for subjects7-12 or subjects 19-24.

How do I get around this problem?  I thought I was supposed to set-up each condition type by time point as separate conditions in the Setup.Conditions step?

Thanks for any help and warm regards,

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Jeff Browndyke Oct 4, 2014
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Oct 9, 2014
Jeff Browndyke Oct 23, 2014
RE: Group x Time x Conditions?
Jeff Browndyke Oct 23, 2014