help > Error during the second level analysis
Nov 20, 2014  10:11 PM | Ji Sook Park - Penn State
Error during the second level analysis
Hi all,

I did a second level analysis (seed to voxel) analysis.
I have multiple ROIs and selected one by one ROI to contrast between pre-training and post-training conditions.
When I clicked one ROI and did a condition contrast. I encountered these error messages.
Please let me know what it means and what I should do to resolve it.

Thank you so much! Ji Sook


Error using set
An object and its uicontextmenu must be in the same figure
Error in conn_contrasthelp (line 54)
Error in conn (line 3690)
conn_contrasthelp(CONN_h.menus.m_results_00{16},get(CONN_h.menus.m_results_00{11},'string'),ncovariates,all(ismember(CONN_h.menus.m_results.X(:,ncovariates),[0 1]),1)+2*all(ismember(CONN_
CONN v.14.n
SPM8 + Beamforming DEM FieldMap MEEGtools wfupickatlas
Matlab v.2012b

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Error during the second level analysis
Ji Sook Park Nov 20, 2014
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Nov 21, 2014