open-discussion > error
Aug 24, 2015  03:08 PM | Daniel Yang error
Dear all,

I am totally new to PESTICA & SLOMOCO. I have two questions:

1. Should I run PESTICA first and then SLOMOCO, or SLOMOCO first and then PESTICA?

2. I have a 4D dataset file, named f.nii. After I set up PESTICA, I tried to execute But it immediately showed an error message. Can you please advise how I can resolve this and move on?

Daniel -d f -s

* Creating PESTICA Directory: f_pestica

***** Using f+orig.HEAD as input timeseries
Copying: 3dcopy f.nii f_pestica/f
++ 3dcopy: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (Aug 21 2015) [64-bit]

***** f.brain+orig.HEAD does not exist, creating mask
note, if you wish to use your own mask/brain file, kill this script
then 3dcopy your mask/brain to f.brain and re-run.
PESTICA will use whatever resides in f.brain

running 3dSkullStrip -input f+orig -prefix f.brain
**ERROR: can't open dataset f+orig
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (Aug 21 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
** FATAL ERROR: can't open dataset ___tmp_mask+orig
** Program compile date = Aug 21 2015
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (Aug 21 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
** FATAL ERROR: can't open dataset ___tmp_mask_ones+orig
** Program compile date = Aug 21 2015
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (Aug 21 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
** FATAL ERROR: can't open dataset f+orig[0]
** Program compile date = Aug 21 2015
rm: cannot remove '___tmp_mask*': No such file or directory

done with skull-stripping - please check file and if not satisfied, I recommend running
3dSkullStrip with different parameters to attempt to get a satisfactory brain mask.
Either way, this script looks in f_pestica/ for f.brain to use as your brain mask/strip
***** Using f.brain+orig.HEAD to mask out non-brain voxels

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TitleAuthorDate error
Daniel Yang Aug 24, 2015
Daniel Yang Aug 26, 2015