help > Surface alignment error and label placement
Dec 7, 2015  05:12 PM | Felipe Salinas
Surface alignment error and label placement

I have been having an issue with aligning my surface file with the nodes/edges in my graph. I have transformed non-human primate fMRI data to MNI space and I am trying to use MNI-aligned NHP template brain's surface to display the results of my graph. The coordinates in my node file are in MNI space. Does my surface (mesh) file need to be saved in a specific way? I am using a BrainVisa mesh of the surface created using MANGO.

Also, is there a way I can overlay the labels of each node directly over the center of the node? It seems like there is a default offset.

I am attaching jpeg of my current displays. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Felipe Salinas, Ph.D.
Attachment: Graphs.jpg

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Surface alignment error and label placement
Felipe Salinas Dec 7, 2015
Mingrui Xia Jan 30, 2016