help > CONN's handling of ART scrubbing and other?
Feb 6, 2016  03:02 PM | Jeff Browndyke
CONN's handling of ART scrubbing and other?
We analyzed some data and presented it for publication consideration, and I received the following question about our ART scrubbing preprocessing:

"...the authors applied "scrubbed" (line 157 of page 9). However, criteria for scrubbing time course were not described. Did you use a framewise displacement (FD) for scrubbing? Specify a threshold value for FD or detailed descriptions for scrubbing process."

In the ART correction preprocessing step we selected a mid-point between conservative and liberal settings (i.e., 7 signal and 1 mm movement).  How does CONN handle ART correction? 


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CONN's handling of ART scrubbing and other?
Jeff Browndyke Feb 6, 2016
Jeff Browndyke Feb 7, 2016