help > Batch Condition Setup
Feb 10, 2016  02:02 AM | Bob Kraft
Batch Condition Setup
I am trying to write a batch script for resting state fMRI acquired at different sessions.  The snippet of code that I use to setup the conditions is at the end of this post.   I am expecting to see the conditions in the CONN 15.h GUI to look like a 2x2 identity matrix where

Condition    Session  Onset  Duration           Session    Onset Duration
pre                 1          0          inf                    2            []        []
post                1          []         []                     2             0       inf

After I run the CONN batch setup and load the project into the GUI. The Onsets and Durations for all conditions and sessions are set to 0 and inf.  Please let me know what I am doing wrong or suggestions on how to debug the problem.

Thanks for your help,


for iiSession=1:nSessions

% Functional Images

batch.Setup.functionals{1}{iiSession} = fullfile(preprocDir, sprintf('%d_%s',iiSession,'bold2Mni_bold.nii'));

for iiCondition=1:nConditions
    if iiCondition == iiSession 
        batch.Setup.conditions.onset{iiCondition}{1}{iiSession} = 0; % Condition{nCondition}{nSubject}{nSessions}
        batch.Setup.conditions.durations{iiCondition}{1}{iiSession} = inf;
        batch.Setup.conditions.onset{iiCondition}{1}{iiSession} = []; % Condition{nCondition}{nSubject}{nSessions}
        batch.Setup.conditions.durations{iiCondition}{1}{iiSession} = [];

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Batch Condition Setup
Bob Kraft Feb 10, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 12, 2016
Bob Kraft Feb 13, 2016