users > Warps settings optimization
Apr 16, 2016  02:04 PM | Pieter Louwe - University of Edinburgh
Warps settings optimization
Hi guys,

So I have been playing around a bit with using CMTK to register a sample that has been imaged from two sides to itself.  By then adding the signals together the weak signal I get from te middle of the tissue will be a bit stronger and hopefully be better for final analysis. The main set-up works but I am still struggling a bit with the warp settings. Though most of my cells are overlaying almost perfectly there still appear to be a few cells where the two channels are not overlapping the way they should, leading to an overestimation of the cell size when finally adding the signals. I have attached an example image(green and red are the two channels to be registered, in yellow is the sum of the two).

Right now i am running the Cachero Ostrovsky registration parameters. I have been looking at some possible things to optimize the warping settings but I a having some trouble understanding the details for the warping ( as described in on

As far as i understand the solution would be to increase the number of grid refinements and the accuracy but i am not too sure. 

I would greatly appreciate if you guys could give some feedback on which parameters to change.


Attachment: cropped .tif

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Warps settings optimization
Pieter Louwe Apr 16, 2016
Torsten Rohlfing Apr 16, 2016
Pieter Louwe Apr 18, 2016
Torsten Rohlfing Apr 19, 2016
Torsten Rohlfing Apr 19, 2016
Greg Jefferis Apr 18, 2016