help > What to do with two .pial files?
Jul 21, 2016  10:07 PM | Kevin Lee
What to do with two .pial files?
Currently, I have two .pial files from Freesurfer (one file represents the left hemisphere and another represents the right hemisphere). I've been using one .pial file to load the Surface file. Accordingly, I can only see one half of the brain. I would like to see a whole brain within BrainNet Viewer.

Is there a way to combine these two .pial files together or perhaps convert these .pial files to another file that contains the whole brain? Thanks in advance!

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What to do with two .pial files?
Kevin Lee Jul 21, 2016
Mingrui Xia Jul 30, 2016
Vahab Youssofzadeh Jul 22, 2016