open-discussion > Ann Arbor a, bad headers
Jan 4, 2017  07:01 PM | Emmanuelle Renauld - Université Laval
Ann Arbor a, bad headers

I downloaded the AnnArbor_a data. When I look at the data in afni, the T1 and the resting state fMRI are not aligned at all. They are so far apart that I can't see both data at the same time. I think that the header is bad. 

I was able to improve it a little by using 3drefit -xorigin, but the results are not perfect. Is there a better solution?

Thank you very much,

Emmanuelle Renauld

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Ann Arbor a, bad headers
Emmanuelle Renauld Jan 4, 2017
Emmanuelle Renauld Jan 6, 2017