help > Error opening ROIs extracted using REX
Jan 11, 2017  04:01 PM | Frances Q - University of Zurich
Error opening ROIs extracted using REX
Hi all,

I was just wondering whether anyone is getting the same error as me... I've extracted ROI clusters from CONN using the REX toolbox, which is normally saved as results.ROIs.hdr and results.ROIs.img in the results folder.

Whenever I try to open either of those files on mricron I get the error:

"Unable to read this image format 768"

I've tried converting the image to .nii but still get the same problem. I have no issue opening the images on xjview but only on mricron.

Does anyone else have the same issue? If so, any idea why this happens and any possible solutions?

Cheers and happy new year all!


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Error opening ROIs extracted using REX
Frances Q Jan 11, 2017
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 12, 2017
Frances Q Jan 12, 2017
Frances Q Jan 11, 2017