help > error with matrix
Jan 20, 2017  05:01 PM | Alex Rainer
error with matrix
Dear Dr. Zalesky,

Thank you for the wonderful toolbox. Upon running, I received three warnings: Rank deficient, rank = 50, Rank deficient, rank = 51, and Matrix is singular to working precision. Could you please tell me why these warnings are present?

I have 51 subjects, and two task conditions, within-subject design and thus I am doing a paired sample t-test. For convenience, I have uploaded the design matrix here (first column is the task condition, remaining columns are subject means). The order of my connectivity input is

subj1 cond1
subj1 cond2
subj2 cond1
subj2 cond2
subj51 cond2

The contrast is [1 0 0 ...0] (52 elements total).  Thank you for your help!



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error with matrix
Alex Rainer Jan 20, 2017
Andrew Zalesky Jan 21, 2017
Alex Rainer Jan 21, 2017
Andrew Zalesky Jan 21, 2017