help > how to run second level analysis with batch?
May 17, 2017  07:05 PM | ml90
how to run second level analysis with batch?

I saved a conn project (batch) that included all the standard steps. Now I would like to run second level analysis so I defined

clear BATCH
BATCH.filename = 'conn_project.mat'
BATCH.foldername = 'New'
BATCH.Results.done = 1
BATCH.Results.between_conditions.effect_names = {'A','B'}
BATCH.Results.between_conditions.contrast = [-1 1]

But nothing happens. Is there something missing from the code above?

Thanks in advance.


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how to run second level analysis with batch?
ml90 May 17, 2017
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon May 18, 2017
ml90 May 18, 2017
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon May 22, 2017