help > Error Running NPM (Incorrect Data Type)
Jun 20, 2017  07:06 PM | Blake N
Error Running NPM (Incorrect Data Type)

I am trying to run VLSM on my data set, but I am running into an error when I start the analyses. I have followed the tutorial and created my .val file and have it in the same directory/folder as my scans (which are in .nii format). 

My problem is that, when I start the analysis, I receive the error "Unsupported COMPRESSED data type 64' and then if I hit OK the next menu says "File not open. Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption. Press cancel to kill the program."

I have tried pressing OK, but nothing happens and the program freezes. My .nii files are FLOAT64 data types and so I figure that this is the problem. With that said, I cannot seem to the right format for the data to be in so that my data set will be accepted.

If anyone has run into this error before could you please direct me towards the proper steps to fix it?

Thank you,

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Error Running NPM (Incorrect Data Type)
Blake N Jun 20, 2017
Chris Rorden Jun 20, 2017
Blake N Jun 20, 2017
Blake N Jun 20, 2017
Blake N Jun 20, 2017