
Release Name: BrainNet Viewer 1.4 Released 20120809

Version 1.4 Released 20120809
- Add several volume to surface mapping algorithms
- Change WindowsStyle of option panel from modal to normal
- Adjust volume mapping colorbar axis ticks
- Eliminate the overlap of colorbar and surface in single view
- Enable resizing main window 
- Add spectral colorbar for volume mapping
- Add custom view for single brain mode
- Add a manner of edge color depending on nodal module
- Adjust camlight for interaction in multi-surface view
- Add separated hemispheres of smoothed ICBM152 surface

Version 1.4 Released 20120809
- Add several volume to surface mapping algorithms
- Change WindowsStyle of option panel from modal to normal
- Adjust volume mapping colorbar axis ticks
- Eliminate the overlap of colorbar and surface in single view
- Enable resizing main window 
- Add spectral colorbar for volume mapping
- Add custom view for single brain mode
- Add a manner of edge color depending on nodal module
- Adjust camlight for interaction in multi-surface view
- Add separated hemispheres of smoothed ICBM152 surface