
Release Name: Brainnetome Atlas in Freesurfer and Workbench


[quote]The main files are lh.BN_Atlas.gcs and rh.BN_Atlas.gcs, which are used to map parcellation labels to subjects. And The BN_Atlas_210_LUT.txt is the color table file.
There is a demo script, , to execute the following commands on a sample subject 001. The resulting files are listed in directory 001. We have also mapped the BN_Atlas on fsaverage space, the resulting files are in listed in directory fsaverage.
Brainnetome Atlas in Freesurfer and Workbench
1. Run Freesurfer processing and check the results
2. Download
3. Map BN_Atlas to a subject
4. show the mapping results in Freeview
5. Calculate parcellation statistics
6. Show in Connectome Workbench[/quote]
