
Release Name: conn v.17.c


CONN 17.c change.log

Cumulative patch, bug fixes and improvements

Added ability to run preprocessing steps for individual sessions/runs (this facilitates incrementally adding new timepoints to an existing CONN project in longitudinal analyses)

Added QA plots: QA_artifact movie display of BOLD volumes with ART global/motion/outlier timeseries, QA_registration plots display original or eroded white/csf masks

Added option to annotate individual QA plots

Added QA subject-level measures QA_MotionMax/Mean and QA_GlobalMax/Mean from ART-derived framewise motion and BOLD change timeseries

(*) Changed default MNI preprocessing pipeline (minor changes):
a) moved ART step to be performed before functional normalization instead of after it (this allows the functional normalization step to use a mean-functional image generated by ART which excludes outlier scans, making coregistration/normalizatoin procedures more robust to the presence of outliers)
b) changed 'functional_normalize' to 'functional_segment&normalize' (this generates additional functional gray/white/csf masks to be used in QA plots or as alternative aCompCor masks)
For back-compatibility or mid-analysis updates: the exact prior pipeline can be loaded from: conn/utils/preprocessingpipelines/defaultMNI_legacy.mat

Added compatibility-fix for cluster-computing options in new SPM+toolboxes standalone ("batteries included" standalone SPM12 prerelease)

Added GUI options to easily select different functional, structural, ROI, or first-level covariate files using filename rules (see 'reassign all files' options in functional/structural/roi/covariate tools menus)

Added movie displays of functional timeseries (see 'display single-slice for all timepoints' options in functional/first-level covariate tools menus, and 'display values' option in Denoising tab)

Added "art_regression_timeseries*.mat" file output to ART and associated QA_timeseries 1st-level covariate in CONN, containing (when using default ART settings) scan-to-scan changes in global BOLD signal (z-scores), and framewise displacement timeseries (mm) (timeseries that, when thresholded, lead to identified outlier scans)

Added "carpet" display of BOLD signal timeseries to Denoising tab and QA plots (similar to Power et al 2017) to help evaluate the amount of residual whole-brain signals before and after denoising

Added ability to edit through the GUI and batch commands the binarization/erosion options for grey matter, white matter, and CSF masks (see Setup.ROIs.Erosion settings; previous batch.Setup.cwthreshold field)

Added voxel BOLD signal timeseries display to GUI (click on brain images on Setup.functionals, Denoising, or First-level analysis tabs)

Added voxel-level "plot effects", "plot values", and "import values" menus to Second-level results tab (click on brain images on Second-level results tab)

See change.log file in current release for a description of changes in prior releases