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Attribute List Attribute - SBIA License

Terms and Conditions of Use By using software developed by The Section of Biomedical Image Analysis (SBIA) at The University of Pennsylvania, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions: 1. Permission is granted to use this software without charge for non-commercial research purposes only. 2. SBIA retains all rights and ownership of any software developed by this laboratory. 3. You may not redistribute the obtained software. You may create copies for your own personal use but we ask you to refer any one else to SBIA’s website ( for obtaining a copy of our software. 4. You may not remove or alter any copyright, license or other proprietary notices in the software. 5. You may publish papers or books using results produced using SBIA’s software always providing appropriate citations. 6. The software is provided “AS IS”. None of the authors or members of The Section of Biomedical Image Analysis at the University of Pennsylvania assume any liability or responsibility for the use of this software. 7. In particular, the software is for research purposes only and it has not been evaluated for clinical use.