[Camino-users] probabilistic tractography

Mojdeh Zamyadi mojdehzm at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 08:13:53 PDT 2013

Hi all,

I want to perform probabilistic tractography using Camino to construct 
connectivity matrices. To do this I'm using the AAL template with more 
than 100 cortical and subcortical regions. I've transformed the AAL VOIs 
into the DTI space of each subject using linear and nonlinear 
registration. My question now is, should I use "track" command with 
"-inputmodel bayesdirac" option and use the whole transformed AAL atlas 
as seedfile (eg. -seedfile Control/aal_ROIs/aal_tformed.nii.gz)? Or 
should I create separate mask/seed images for each region and perform 
the tractography for each seed? Also, how can I get the the tracks 
between two seed regions? Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks as always,

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