[Camino-users] Artifact

ClaireMarie Barnes cmbarnes at live.co.uk
Tue Feb 19 06:40:21 PST 2013

Hi there I am currently using camino to simulate data using the following command; datasynth -walkers 10000 -tmax 1000 -voxels 1 -p 0.0 -schemefile 17x17x17rectangular.scheme -initial uniform -substrate cylinder - packing hex- cylinderrad 1E-6 - cylindersep 2.1E-6 >17x17x17rectangular.bfloat I am then taking the attenuated signal and running it through a matlab program to determine the PDF and ODF of the data. When I visualise my ODF I am indeed getting a peak along the z axis which is the direction in which my cylinders are set, however I am getting an artifact which is a small peak almost orthogonal to the z axis. Any idea why I may be getting this. It could of course be to do with the way in which I am determining the ODF and PDF etc but I thought I would ask you guys as you may have some ideas. Many thanks in advanceClaire :) 		 	   		  
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