[Camino-users] number of iterations for probabilistic tractography

Mojdeh Zamyadi mojdehzm at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 11:15:49 PST 2013

Hi all,

I'm using probabilistic tractography for thalamic parcellation using the 
following command and I was wondering if there is an optimal number of 
iterations? Is 1000 iterations good enough or should use a higher numebr 
(eg. 5000 as I've seen in some manuscripts)

track -inputfile DTI_ec_VoxelOrder.Bfloat -inputmodel bayesdirac_dt 
-schemefile bvec_rot.scheme -iterations 1000 -seedfile 
thalamus_only.nii.gz -brainmask B0_brain_mask.nii.gz -pointset 0 > 


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