[Camino-users] sh > dwi

Andrew Davis spinup at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 09:25:50 PDT 2018

Hello Camino-users,

Perhaps this list is not active, but just in case, I have another question:

I'm trying to replicate the method of Mirzaalian et al., 2016 [^1], in
which they use spherical harmonic deconvolution to harmonize DMRI data from
different scanners (with similar acquisition schemes). Basically they
calculated scaling factors on the SH coefficient images using RISH values
from their test subjects at each site. The shfit command in Camino gets me
part of the way there -- I now have coefficient images. But is there a
command to go in the opposite direction? That is, to recreate the DWI data
from the coefficients after I normalize them?


[^1]: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.04.041

*Andrew D. Davis, PhD*
Postdoctoral Fellow
, Developmental Neuroscience Lab

McMaster University
PC 324
1280 Main St W
Hamilton, ON

L8S 4K1
905-525-9140 x24784 <905-525-9140;%2024784>
davisad at mcmaster.ca
PGP Key: 0xC1665F6A

> <https://www.science.mcmaster.ca/pnb/devneuro/>
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