[Camino-users] Is it possible to construct a three-compartment model in Camino

LZQ lzq1994916 at 163.com
Fri Mar 5 03:23:44 EST 2021

Dear Camino's experts,
Thanks for your contribution to make Camino a public software. It helps me a lot. 
I encoutered some questions when using Camino.
(1) Is it possible to construct a three-compartment model in Camino?
I want to construct a three-compart model including intra-axonal space, intracellular space(glia cell) and interstitial space to do Monte-carlo simulation of diffusion signal. 
I understand there are "cylinder" options which severs as axon for "-substrate" parameter, but I want to know how to construct a three-compartment in Camino, that is both including axons and cell. The cell can be expressed with sphere. 

(2) How to design a scheme file for other MRI seqeuence except for single PGSE? 
I want to use FEXI(filter exchange imaging) which including two PGSE block segmented by a exchange time as my sequence when doing MC simulation. 

Thanks very much. Looking forward to your reply.


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