[Nutmeg-users] fieldtrip to nutmeg

Jason Chan chan at med.uni-frankfurt.de
Thu May 22 02:59:54 PDT 2014

Dear NUTMEG Users,


I am completely new to NUTMEG.  I have been using Fieldtrip for all of my
MEG analyses, but I would like to try NUTMEG for my source analyses.  I am
trying to convert my ft data using the nut_ft2nuts function.  I get the
following error for the grid:


Error using ==> grid

Too many output arguments.


I assume by grid, it is referring to the forward model.  My current grid
structure looks like this:


Subj1_grid = 


        pos: [46200x3 double]

        dim: [33 40 35]

       unit: 'cm'

     inside: [1x23869 double]

    outside: [1x22331 double]

     params: [1x1 struct]

        cfg: [1x1 struct]


Is this correct?




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