[Repronim-trd3] no meetup today - let's just work

Kyle Meyer kyle at kyleam.com
Thu Oct 8 11:45:49 PDT 2020

Haselgrove, Christian writes:

> As far as the LSF support goes:
>     Are there tests for the submitters?

The local, condor, and slurm submitters are used in
reproman/support/jobs/tests/test_orchestrators.py.  There aren't any
dedicated tests that that check the submitter classes in a more direct
or isolated context.

>     How are additional parameters specified, like "memory" in
>     condor.template and slurm.template?
>     How are multiple processes specified ("Process" in the .templates)?

Placeholders that are defined in the templates, e.g.,

     {% if memory is defined %}
     request_memory = {{ memory }}
     {% endif %}

in reproman/support/jobs/job_templates/submission/condor.template, come
in through the job parameters/spec of run.  Something like

    $ reproman run --jp memory=NN ...

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