Vanderbilt University BSD License Yes MASI NITRC Augmented Reality Mirror Tianyuan Zhang The Augmented Reality Mirror is an open source rendering software to provide users with a virtual reality experience. With the provisions of a projection display, a laptop with multi-core GPU, and XBOX kinect, users can stand in front of the mirror and representative anatomical images will overlay the body. The images implemented are adapted to approximate the actual anatomy. The open source software will have an application programming interface (API) to allow users to develop additional content within the Augmented Reality Mirror. 2019-3-20 AR_Physiology_03202019 2018-11-28 AR_Physiology_Beta2.3 2018-10-31 AR_Physiology_Beta2.2 2018-8-13 AR_Physiology_Beta2.1 2018-7-02 AR_Kinematics_Orbbec_Demo 2017-7-27 AR_Kinematics_Mirror_v1.1 2017-5-04 augmented_reality_game 2016-8-08 AR_Calc_Teaching_Tool v1.1 2016-7-18 2DImage_Overlay_20160718 2016-7-18 Sherlock_Game_07182016 2016-7-14 2016 3-D Organ Rendering Mirror 1.0 Augmented Reality Mirror CT, BSD License