Neuro Imaging Research and Analysis Laboratories (NIRAL) Apache License 2.0 Yes University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) NITRC AutoTract MacOS, Linux Yes C++, Python Sang Kyoon Park AutoTract is an automatic tractography tool featuring advanced processing tools to clean tracts after the initial tractography. It uses the Slicer TractographyLabelMapSeeding, with tracts from a reference DTI atlas as label maps. The 3 main steps of the tool are: -Registration between the DTI image that we want to tract and the reference DTI atlas. -Tractography of the DTI image using the TractographyLabelMapSeeding Slicer module. -Process of each tract individually to clean and remove any unwanted fiber. The processing includes (for each tract): -cutting every fiber ends that are in the gray matter (cutting them until the fiber ends is in the white matter), based on a white matter mask created by the tool. -ensuring every fiber is not in the CSF (removes them from the tract otherwise) -several image comparisons with the reference tracts (such as fiber length matching, use of a distance map to ensure that the tract is close to the reference tract, and potentially to be added later on, shape comparison). 2020-6-29 5 - Production/Stable/Mature Trafic fiber model for Autotract: 1-2year fiber tracts 2020-6-29 5 - Production/Stable/Mature Trafic fiber model for AutoTract: Macaque primate tracts 2020-6-25 5 - Production/Stable/Mature AutoTract v4.0 linux 2015-6-30 5 - Production/Stable/Mature AutoTract_v1.1 AutoTract Diffusion MR Fiber Tracking, 5 - Production/Stable/Mature, Computational Neuroscience, MR, X11 Applications, End Users, Apache License 2.0, English, MacOS, Linux, C++, Python, Nrrd,