IVCL; MPRC; IGC; ENIGMA MIT Yes UMBC; UMB; USC NITRC ENIGMA-Viewer: Visualizing Effect Sizes in Meta-Analysis Kathryn Hatch ENIGMA-Viewer is an interactive visualization tool for neuroscientists to examine DTI data and compare effective sizes and associated genetics information in meta-analysis. The program supports the visualization of sub-cortical and cortical regions. The user may upload your own data for comparison. 2016-7-08 v2016.07.08 2016-7-08 v2016.07.08 2016-7-07 UserGuide20160707 2016-6-29 v2016.06.29 2016-6-27 ENIGMA DTI Web Viewer 2016-5-18 Enigma DTI Web Viewer ENIGMA-Viewer: Visualizing Effect Sizes in Meta-Analysis Surface Rendering, Schizophrenia, MR, Web Environment, MIT http://www.nitrc.org/projects/enigmaviewer_20/, http://http://enigma-viewer.org khatch@som.umaryland.edu