Academic Free License ("AFL") Yes NITRC Functional Regression Analysis of DTI Yes Tengfei Li Functional Regression Analysis of DTI Tract Statistics (FRATS), for the analysis of multiple diffusion properties along fiber bundle as functions in an infinite dimensional space and their association with a set of covariates of interest, such as age, diagnostic status and gender, in real applications. The resulting analysis pipeline can be used for understanding normal brain development, the neural bases of neuropsychiatric disorders, and the joint effects of environmental and genetic factors on white matter fiber bundles. 2011-1-24 FRATS V1.0 Functional Regression Analysis of DTI MR, Imaging Genomics, Computational Neuroscience, Academic Free License ("AFL"), Dyslexia, Bipolar Disorder, Stroke, Epilepsy, Brain Injuries, Alzheimer Disease, Hypertension, Multiple Sclerosis, Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity, Schizophrenia, Cocaine-Related Disorders, Agnosia, Tobacco Use Disorder,