Ratings & Reviews   User Reviews  ( 3 )   Published Reviews  ( 2 )
Overall: 3 out of 5Installation: 4 out of 5Documentation: 3 out of 5

Individual Rating Results for SRI24 Atlas: Normal Adult Brain Anatomy

Review 3 of SRI24 Atlas: Normal Adult Brain Anatomy on Mar 02, 2011
Version Reviewed:  1.01
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  Since there is no function on NITRC to respond to Reviews, I am going address the review posted Dec 18, 2010 here. For starters, the statement that SRI24 is based on MNI-ICBM is blatantly incorrect. How one would get that idea is beyond my understanding. The SRI24 atlas was created from scratch. It is indeed not compatible with MNI coordinates, but the problem is that MNI coordinates, referring to a multi-subject affine-aligned average, do not in general correspond to a well-defined anatomical location. What SRI24 does different from MNI is that it provides a clear presentation of anatomy in most brain areas, rather than the fuzzy mess that is the MNI brain in the cortical regions. Our delineations may have errors, but the only reason you can even see these errors is because the atlas itself actually shows the structures. So at least you have a fighting chance to outline things in the right place.

Review 2 of SRI24 Atlas: Normal Adult Brain Anatomy on Dec 18, 2010
Version Reviewed:  1.01
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  1 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  3 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  1 out of 5
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  Based on what I downloaded on 18 Dec 2010 (verison 1.01) which was also described in the HBM 2010 by the developers. The SRI24 Atlas seems to be based on the MNI-ICBM atlas and adds little to what has been done already. The population used is too small to represent young and aging adults, men or women. This specifc atlas added the corpus callosum midagiattal subdivisions which are also available using the DTI81-ICBM. This atals added the pons and lateral ventricular CSF in details, but this may not be that useful compared to the poorlly described thalamus, hypothalmus, substantia nigra, and other structures of interest in addition to white matter pathways. The SI24 atlas is provided as 256x256x151 which is not what MNI adopted and what SPM uses. It would be great to provide the atals in MNI coordinates as the voxel size is analogous (1mmx 1mm x1mm). Novel additions to this would be brain structures that are not already available in the MNI gray matter and white matter atals provided by ICBM.

Review 1 of SRI24 Atlas: Normal Adult Brain Anatomy on Jun 18, 2009
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  5 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  5 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  nice paper, thanks for making the images available. the data was well documented, I tried the nifti, and it worked well, opened nicely in mango
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  similar to the MNI and LONI and ICBM atlas data sets