open-discussion > Brain Connectivity toolbox (BCT) for DTI connectivity
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Oct 18, 2019  01:10 PM | Marvin Jüchtern
Brain Connectivity toolbox (BCT) for DTI connectivity
Dear community,

I want to use the Brain Connectivity toolbox to generate more knowledge about the clustering in my MRI-DTI connectivity data.
I have a dataset of 40 weighted, undirected matrices (one for each participant of our study). I want to run a clustering analysis on this dataset so that I can generate pooling statistics about all 40 participants' structural connectivity. Our aim is to define clusters or modules within the network we are focussing at with the selection of our regions of interest, so finally we want to have a list of significantly defined submodules in this brain network.
My question is basically, whether someone could give me some advice about the use of the BCT toolbox, how I best implement my plan with the existing measures and what would be the best way to import my data (of 40 single excel-tables) into the software. I already read the complete BCT-website and the Rubinov and Sporns article from 2010, but I'm still unsure about the practical realisation of my study question.

Thank you very much for your help and best wishes from Germany,
Marvin, Clinical Cognition Sciences, UK Aachen