questions > warning "slices stacked despite varying acquisition numbers (if this is not desired recompile with 'mySegmentByAcq')"
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Oct 21, 2019  05:10 PM | Moj Zam
warning "slices stacked despite varying acquisition numbers (if this is not desired recompile with 'mySegmentByAcq')"
Hi all,

I'm getting the following warning when I use dcm2niix to convert Siemens rsfMRI data from dicom to Nifti. I was using dcm2nii before and don't recall seeing this warning before. Is this something I have to worry about? the images look fine but I want to make sure there is no error in image conversion.

"slices stacked despite varying acquisition numbers (if this is not desired recompile with 'mySegmentByAcq')"

Thanks a lot,
Oct 21, 2019  06:10 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: warning "slices stacked despite varying acquisition numbers (if this is not desired recompile with 'mySegmentByAcq')"
This is the desired behavior for most vendors and virtually all MRI scans. For some CT scans with particular setups this is not desired. This is a warning, not an error. If the data is segmented as you desired, you can ignore this warning. Unfortunately, different users want dcm2niix to behave differently, so there is no universal algorithm for this situation.