help > Inconsistency - connectome ring vs 2nd level results table
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Jul 10, 2020  08:07 AM | Paul Summers
Inconsistency - connectome ring vs 2nd level results table
After running a second level analysis Roi to Roi analysis with a couple of covariates, 
moving to the results explorer, I've generated the connectome ring using alternative settings ROI-based inference parametric multivariate stats 

As far as F stats and p-values these give the same results, but, whereas the table on the 2nd level results listing cuts-off based on pFDR 0.05, the 
ring cuts-off based on both pUncorr <0.01 and pFDR < 0.05, which means it lacks a few areas in some analyses. 

Is there a way to override the pUncorr limitation so that the ring is just showing pFDR < 0.05 ?


Paul S
Jul 10, 2020  10:07 PM | Paul Summers
RE: Inconsistency - connectome ring vs 2nd level results table
Tracked down to the first entry in the fifth tuple in the assignment of data.thres_defaults in conn_displayroi.m (line 212 in my copy of 19.c)

Or setting the connection threshold p <�    in the advanced family-wise error control settings tab for a less invasive solution.

Lovely (if extremely intricate) code by the way.


From my side, I consider this resolved.

Paul S