help > WFU-pickatlas error saving report using ver:3.0.5b using results from SPM12, w/Matlab 2020
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Aug 14, 2020  02:08 AM | ANUP SB1
WFU-pickatlas error saving report using ver:3.0.5b using results from SPM12, w/Matlab 2020
Hi WFU-pickatlas users,

I have been getting following error upon trying to save WFUpickatlas results using save report as .ps or .png to a location such as "M:\SVH-FB-DVRresults\registered-scans\design"

Please note these are the installation locations:

M:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020a\toolbox\..

SPM12: spm_reslice (v7141) 12:26:40 - 14/08/2020
Completed : 12:26:42 - 14/08/2020
Saving page 1 as Color PostScript in file M:\SVH-FB-DVRresults\registered-scans\design\
14-Aug-2020 12:28:18 | ERROR | wfu_results_viewer.m | MException thrown. Stack follows:
14-Aug-2020 12:28:18 | ERROR | saveReport | Line 0227: Unable to convert 'matlab.ui.Figure' value to 'int64'.
14-Aug-2020 12:28:18 | ERROR | File_Save_Report_Callback | Line 0491
14-Aug-2020 12:28:18 | ERROR | gui_mainfcn | Line 0095
14-Aug-2020 12:28:18 | ERROR | wfu_results_viewer | Line 0070
14-Aug-2020 12:28:18 | ERROR | @(hObject,eventdata)wfu_results_viewer('File_Save_Report_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) | Line 0000

Is it permissions issue or the WFUpickatlas version update needed with Matlab 2020 with SPM12?

Look forward for your advise.

Best Regards,

University of Sydney