help > Creating a new project using CONN preprocessed scans
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Oct 13, 2020  06:10 PM | Liane Ahn
Creating a new project using CONN preprocessed scans
version: CONN 19.c

Dear CONN users, 

I am afraid that this might be a question that has been answered multiple times; however, I am having trouble getting this to work and would appreciate your help. 

We have scans that are preprocessed in CONN, using the default pipeline. However, this was NOT done in one .mat file (i.e., Some are processed under one project while others are processed under another project). I would like to create a new project with a subset of these preprocessed scans, so I could skip the preprocessing steps and start from Denoising. In the SETUP tab of the GUI, I uploaded fully processed functional (swauFunc.nii) and structural (This is one part I am unsure about - I have tried using both wcStruct.nii and wc1cStruct.nii files) scans and then clicked DONE. All the other output files from previously completed preprocessing, including rp_Func.txt and art_regression_outliers_auFuct.mat files are in the same directory as the preprocessed scans for this new project. 

Problem is, when I click DONE and select "do not overwrite/skip" option, CONN seems to run Segmentation anyway and generate a bunch of files that do not make sense (e.g., c2wcStruct.nii or c3wc1cStruct.nii). I am wondering if I uploaded wrong files for structural scans or did something entirely off. Ultimately, I would like to be able to save the preprocessed scans in the shared drive for other people in the lab to use in their own analysis if possible/appropriate, and I would like to be sure exactly how it can be done. 

Thank you so much for your advice, 