help > Computing mean V2V measures within the DMN
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Oct 19, 2020  04:10 PM | fmri questions
Computing mean V2V measures within the DMN
Dear Dr. Alfonso, Conn experts,

I have computed ALFF and fALFF for a set of subjects (two groups). Now, I am interested in performing a regression analysis between the mean ALFF/fALFF within the DMN and some clinical scores that I have (I only have clinical scores for one group). What could be a good way to do this?

My proposed solution is to get the BETA_Subject*_Condition001_Measure001_Component001.nii files for the selected subjects from my firstlevel results folder and then calculate the mean (say) ALFF by using a DMN mask from Conn's networks atlas; then I can use this mean value for my regression analysis.

Is this solution valid and is there perhaps a more straightforward way of doing this?

Apologies if this question has been previously answered. I am using Conn 18b

Thank you