help > GUI and script not working
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Nov 12, 2020  05:11 PM | Manuel Anaya
GUI and script not working
I just tried running the NiiStat GUI scripts via MATLAB (2020a) on my MacBook, and get the following error message for the NiiStat script:

Error using NiiStat (line 85)
Unable to find Excel file named

Here's line 85 of the code:
if (strcmpi('ver',xlsname)), return; end; %nii_stat('ver') cause software to report version and quit if exist(xlsname,'file') ~= 2 error('Unable to find Excel file named %s\n',xlsname); end

It looks like the script is looking for an Excel file, and halts the script once the PacManNiiStat_Paper_3.xlsx Excel file isn't found.

I see someone else had this issue last year:
I tried their suggested solution of removing all the spm12 subfolders from the path but it hasn't worked.
I appreciate your help,