open-discussion > A big problem. The dimension of fMRI data is different from the atlas for the ABIDE I data.
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Jan 4, 2021 05:01 PM | Zhongxing Zhou - Tulane University
A big problem. The dimension of fMRI data is different from the atlas for the ABIDE I data.
I am trying to use the ABIDE data processed by C-PAC pipe line. I
downloaded the ABIDE I Preprocessed data that has the dimension of
<61×73×61×T> (T is the number of time points). I also
downloaded the Harvard-Oxford (HO) atlas, which has a dimension of
<65×77×63>. The voxel sizes for fMRI data and HO atlas are
same (3mm*3mm*3mm).
How can I get the voxel time series by using fMRI data and non-overlapping atlas? Thank you.
How can I get the voxel time series by using fMRI data and non-overlapping atlas? Thank you.