questions > JPEG2000 not included on curl install for windows
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Sep 24, 2021  01:09 AM | oseymour
JPEG2000 not included on curl install for windows
I copied the curl command on the GitHub page to install dcm2niix on Windows. It downloads successfully, but when I try to convert a DICOM directory I get an error message saying the JPEG2000 transfer syntax is invalid.

When I manually download the windows zip file from GitHub and call the executable from my downloads folder I can successfully convert the same DICOM directory. Is the curl command not installing the latest release?

I wouldn't care if the curl command didn't work, except that I am using dcm2niix in a desktop app, and I want the added step of installing dcm2niix to be as simple as possible. Ideally just copying and pasting the curl command.

Thanks for your help!
Sep 26, 2021  06:09 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: JPEG2000 not included on curl install for windows
I am unable to replicate this issue.

>curl -fLO
>tar -xf
Chris Rorden's dcm2niiX version v1.0.20210317 (JP2:OpenJPEG) (JP-LS:CharLS) MSC1900 (64-bit Windows)