open-discussion > fMRI analysis with SMP12 and/or CONN
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Oct 6, 2021  03:10 PM | Camille Ricou - INSERM, Tours University
fMRI analysis with SMP12 and/or CONN
Hi everyone!

I am new on SMP12 and fMRI analysis and I need some help :)

I have data from 3 subjects at 2 timepoints (T1 and T2) and I would like to compare resting-state and the task-related fMRI collected at T1 and T2. During the task-related fMRI subjects were exposed to stimuli of 3 conditions. I first pre-processed data with the following steps:  slice timing, spatial realignment, segmentation, normalization, and smoothing using SPM12 on Matlab. Now I pre-processed I can see results in SPM12 (using fMRI model specification but I can see results for only one patient and I don't understand any of them (set-level, cluster-level, peak-level).

- Do you have any recommandations for conducting my analysis on SPM12? 
- I've checked that CONN is also good to use for fMRI analysis. Is it possible with SPM pre-processed files? If yes, do you have any recommandations?

I may not have described my problem very well but if you want to help me, don't hesitate to ask questions!
I'm looking forward to discuss it further

Thanks a lot!!