open-discussion > nifty images with different voxel orientations
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Jan 5, 2022  03:01 PM | Jakub Vohryzek
nifty images with different voxel orientations
Hello NITRC,

I have two fMRI nifty images of the same scan which I am hoping to analyse.They are identical in intensity information but the orientation seem to be encoded differently. One comes from DICOM converter (dcm2nixx) and serves as a reference. The other has been already converted into nifty format.
My hope is that if I can understand where the already converted image differs from the reference, I can use it for other nifty images for which I only have the already converted nifty images and not the DICOMs.
All the relevant information such as voxel size and dimensions are the same but the affine matrix (represented by the q-form) and voxel orientation seem to differ. See in the headers below.
Is there a meaningful and correct way how one could do this conversion?
Many thanks in advance