help > The file produed by Extract brain in MRIcroGL can not be saved in Macbook Pro
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Jan 18, 2022  03:01 PM | yuqin ye
The file produed by Extract brain in MRIcroGL can not be saved in Macbook Pro
I want to reconstruct brain tissue using MRIcroGL, the operation procedure is import NlfTl file-View-Extract brain-Setting Brain extract fraction 0.45-Choose image-save the file strating with b, but I cannot save it as the file starting with b in my computer.  My computer is MacBook Pro and OS 10.15.7, the MRIcroGL version in my computer is 1.2.20211006 Cocoa X86-64 LLVM.Image
Mar 1, 2022  10:03 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: The file produed by Extract brain in MRIcroGL can not be saved in Macbook Pro
I assume you have installed FSL and it is in your path. If this is the case, I suspect your version of MacOS has security settings that restricts applications from seeing your path. To test my hypothesis, can you confirm that launching MRIcroGL from the command line works, with the "Open GSL" menu in the "File" menu and brain extraction working.

Assuming default installation, you can run MRIcroGL from the terminal with the command:
