help > Figure for Publication ???
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May 9, 2022  03:05 PM | Roger Newman-Norlund
Figure for Publication ???
Hello all,

A journal reviewer asked us to increase contrast for the non-significant regions in the connectome ring.

1) Is there an easy way to change the light-gray color of n.s. regions in the connectome ring, to increase readability?

2) Is there a way to output this in a non-interpolated (blurred) format with higher base base resolution?


May 9, 2022  09:05 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Figure for Publication ???
Hi Roger,

Regarding (1), if you have the ROI-to-ROI results explorer window up, you may go to Matlab command's window and use the syntax

   conn_display( gcf, 'labelsfull');

to have all labels (significant and non-significant) shown in the same high contrast color. If you prefer to manually specify the color of the non-significant labels you may also do that using for example the syntax:

   color = [1 0 0]; % RGB color (0-1 values)
   set(findobj(gcf, 'tag', 'textstringpartial'), 'color', color);

Regarding (2), you could use target EPS format to do that but I think the simpler way to generate high-quality / high-resolution images is just to specify the desired DPI value directly using standard tiff/jpg output formats. To do that, after selecting the 'Ring Print' option in the ROI-to-ROI results explorer, in the 'print options' menu of the resulting GUI the default values are set to:

   -djpeg -r600 -opengl

which specifies 600DPI for the output image, but you may change that to any desired value, e.g.

   -djpeg -r1200 -opengl

to increase the resolution to 1200 dots per inch (and/or see Matlab's print options for additional details and options)


Originally posted by Roger Newman-Norlund:
Hello all,

A journal reviewer asked us to increase contrast for the non-significant regions in the connectome ring.

1) Is there an easy way to change the light-gray color of n.s. regions in the connectome ring, to increase readability?

2) Is there a way to output this in a non-interpolated (blurred) format with higher base base resolution?

