questions > .bvec file not created
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Jun 14, 2022  01:06 AM | Padma Priya Vijayakumaran
.bvec file not created
Dear Chris,

I tried converting dicom files of diffusion MRI to nifti, but I get only .bval file generated. When I searched this issue, I found that this problem is solved while using the older version dcm2nii . When I tried to install dcm2nii in Mac OS it doesn't open, could you help me with this issue.

Thank you
Jul 3, 2022  12:07 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: .bvec file not created
dcm2niix only generates .bvec files when the image is a raw directional diffusion image. bvec files are not created for non-directional derived diffusion modalities like FA, TRACE, MD, ADC.