help > use mBrainAligner to register my own data
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Aug 11, 2022  02:08 AM | liu Yizhe - HIT
use mBrainAligner to register my own data
I try to use mBrainAligner to register my own data,but when I run command:
global_registration.exe -f ../../examples/target/user/ -m ../../examples/subject/user/cat_raw.v3draw -p r+f -o ../../examples/result/user/ -d 1 -l 20+0+0 -u 1

it comes to

Read target image.
The current input file has the surfix [v3draw]
The data is not with a TIF/LSM surfix, -- now this program assumes it is RAW format defined by Hanchuan Peng.
size of [V3DLONG]=[8], [V3DLONG]=[8] [int]=[4], [short int]=[2], [double]=[8], [float]=[4]
Fail to open file for reading.
The data doesn't look like a correct 4-byte-size RAW file. Try 2-byte-raw.
Fail to open file for reading.
Error happens in reading 2-byte-size RAW file. Stop.

I put the fixed image in E:\multiplex imaging\MSOT\mBrainAligner\examples\target\user\atlas_v3draw
comparing to the target used in the pipeline,I think that some files like CCF_contour.v3draw,CCF_mask.v3draw are needed.How could i generate these files from the original image? Dose the mBrainAligne has corresponding tools?
I would be very glad if you help me about the problem.