sdm-help-list > Text File t-values
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Jun 7, 2024 09:06 PM | Jonah Shepherd - Fresno State
Text File t-values
I have two options I am considering for inputting t-values into the text files for each peak coordinate for each primary study.
1. Enter a 'p' as a placeholder for positive peaks and a 'n' for negative peaks, and allow SDM to estimate an effect size for these peaks.
2. Calculate and input the t-values that correspond to p < .05 for each peak coordinate in each primary study.
My consideration for option 2 is that every primary study included in my meta-analysis used a threshold of at least p < .05. Therefore, it would maintain some level of consistency.
Are both of these approaches valid, and would one be recommended over the other?
Thank you,
Jonah Shepherd